Helping out at school is a great way to get involved in your child’s education as well as get to know the staff and other parents and carers.
Research shows that children benefit when their parents or carers are actively involved in their education and school life.
You can help by:
- listening to children read in the classroom
- volunteering on sports days
- helping supervise excursions
- getting involved in fundraising activities
- joining school committees.
At Cowper public school
Cowper Public School has an enthusiastic and dedicated parent and community body, providing outstanding support with class programs, fundraising activities, making of classroom resources and involvement in social and sporting events.
Parents are actively encouraged to assist the school in maximising student outcomes.
Assistance by parents and community members in school activities is always welcome. Some areas where assistance is essential are:
- Tutoring children in reading & sight words
- Repairing books and equipment
- Providing transport for outside activities
- “Special Event” activities
- Canteen assistance
- Sports carnival attendances
From time to time, additional parental assistance will be requested via the regular newsletter and/or at P&C meetings. If you wish to assist please leave your name and contact details at the school office.